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Thursday, 25 July 2013


ayurveda tips

welcome to ayurveda tips

Health Tip
·         When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.When diet is correct medicine is of no need.
·         Taking heavy meals in short durations without earlier meals properly digested produces toxins (AMA).
·         Kala Viruddha (Time against): Intake of cold and dry substances in winter, Pungent and hot substances in summer.
·         Combination of fruit salad, milk & banana should be avoided.
·         One should not take fish along with milk because this combination is Abhishyandi (great obstructer for channels), it vitiates blood.
·         Using Yoghurt with Milk, Fish with Milk, ACHAR (Pickle) with Milk, Honey with Ghee (Butter) are some VIRUDHA AHARA (in competent food) if taken together, they produce a lot of toxins in our body.
·         Taking fish and cheese preparations along with alcohol, this is a deadly combination and can easily lead to skin diseases, because fish with milk products like cheese are contraindicated.
·         Drinking cold water after taking hot tea or coffee is bad (virudha).
·         Consuming Curd at night is not advised.
·         Health Care During Rainy Season : Do-take Honey with Food.(Don't heat honey),Sour and salty tastes, Eat old rice,wheat barly,use Boiled water for Drinking. Don't take the foods which are heavy,Preserved food items and Fruits in Excess. Life style to be adopted -Take proper Ayurvedic Health Care &Detoxification of Pitta. Avoid-Sleeping in day time &heavy Exercise.

Eat three warm, nourishing meals each day.
Favor foods that are warm, heavy, oily, sweet, sour and salty.
Minimize foods that are spicy, bitter or astringent.
Minimize foods that are cold, dry and light
Pay attention to fluids: avoid cold or iced drinks, sip warm water at regular intervals, avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea
Ayurveda discusses three doshas or mind/body operators to keep ion balance for optimum health. Vata is the lead dosha and governs all movement in the body.
Experience the benefits of a warm sesame oil massage before your morning shower or bath
Keep warm: avoid cold, windy or chilly environments; take long warm baths and showers.
Try to keep your environment humid
Favor calm, quiet environments. Avoid mental strain, overstimulation, loud music, and long hours of TV in the evening.
Develop regular habits such as eating and going to sleep at the same times each day
Enjoy light, humorous entertainment.
Make your surroundings light and bright.

Regular daily elimination is important.

WHAT AYURVEDA IS ALL ABOUTAyurveda is the science of health and medicine which was introduced in India more than 6000 years ago. Ayurveda is basically a sanskrit word which consists of two words namely "ayur" + "veda" where ayur means "life" and veda means "knowledge". Ayurveda deals not only with treatment of diseases but also describes the complete style of living our precious life.

PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDAAyurveda is a gift to us from our eminent ancestors which basically focuses on health promotion,prevention,cure and nutrition.Ayurveda considers a body as whole and helps in re-establishing the harmony among the constituents of our body.

To add years to our life and life to years
To eradicate malfunctions and diseases from our body

Ayurveda uses the concept of 5 basic elements of existence:-
Earth,Fire,Water,Air and Ether(space)
DOSHAS These 5 elements are broadly classified in 3 main categories known as "doshas":- Vata,Pitta and Kapha. Each person has a unique mixture of these three doshas and as defined as a person's "prakriti". When an imbalance occurs in one or more of these doshas then according to ayurveda it is a "disease".
Vata-It is related to air and ether.When in balance a person becomes creative,energetic and enthusiastic.When in imbalance a person may suffer from insomnia,headaches or irregular digestion.
Pitta-It is related to water and fire.When in balance a person have an average built body,light coloured eyes with fair skin,good digestion and strong concentration power.When in imbalance a person shows extereme aggression,anger and criticism.
Kapha-It is related with earth and water.When in balance a person generally have heavy or large built with calmness and peace.When in imbalance a person becomes greedy,possesive and overweight.

There are 8 main branches of ayurveda namely:-
Surgery or Shalya
Psychiatry or Bhoota
ENT with Ophthamology,medicine or Shalakya
Science of Aphrodisiac or Vajikarana
Medical jurisprudence and toxicology or Agada
Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics or Kaumara
Gerontology or Rasayan
Medicine or Kaya
To maintain health and cure diseases we have 3 strings of ayurveda:
Hetusutra- cause of disease
Lingasutra- symptoms of disease
Aushadhisutra- ways of treatment

By the time human being reaches to the age around 30,many diseases starts to indulge in one's life.This is mainly due to the unwanted metabolic substances & toxins accumulated from various activities like breathing,eating etc.
So ayurveda helps us to maintain an equilibrium in human body by teaching proper way or style of living
There are no side effects
Eradicates mental pressure and stress
Helps us to get the knowledge of life
Deep rooted diseases can be easily cured
Helps us to increase the life span and many more...

Ayurveda is to enlighten us with the "knowledge of life ".Knowledge of life is the knowledge of the pure spirit soul, situated beyond the boundaries of the three doshas.The purpose of Ayurveda is to bring us to that complete understanding of ourselves as pure life energy. By raising the consciousness beyond the limiting influences of passion and ignorance ,one can re-identify with the soul through factual realization of the "self beyond the body.

Research and Development

CCRAS, research wing of AYUSH (Government of India) has researched on herbs for its anti cancer properties and pharmacological activities as per modern science. These herbal extracts which have established anti-cancer properties are processed with cow urine in a ultra modern Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry.
Cow Urine has been researched and patented for its ability to improve efficacy and absorption of anti cancer drugs of modern medicine (allopath) and herbal extract. Hence our Ayurveda medicines made of cow urine and herbal extracts are effective for Cancer.

Cancer patients who were treated by modern medicines, yet no results were obtained and a life expectancy of 6, 8 or 12 months was given. Further told now there is no treatments possible! Such patients were treated by Ayurvedic Cow Urine Therapy. There life expectancy which was told to be 6 – 12 months improved to 4 – 6 years and lived a good quality of life. Patients taking treatment with faith and confidence are received good results.
A study conducted on 504 male and 302 female patients who were suffering from different types of cancer resulted in about 73.3 percent relief in physical sufferings.

Scientific facts

·         D(US Patent #6410059): Cow Urine is scientifically proven to enhance the anti-microbial effects of antibiotic and antifungal agents. The invention relates to a novel use of cow urine as activity enhancer and availability facilitator for bioactive molecules, including anti-infective agents. The invention has direct implication in drastically reducing the dosage of antibiotics, drugs and anti-infective agent while increasing the efficiency of absorption of bio-active molecules, thereby reducing the cost of treatment and also the side-effects due to toxicity.
·         (US Patents #6896907, #7235262): Use of bioactive fraction from cow urine as a bio-enhancer of anti-infective, anti-cancer agents and nutrient. The invention relates to a novel pharmaceutical composition comprising an effective amount of bio-active fraction from cow urine as a bioavailability facilitator and pharmaceutically acceptable additives selected from anticancer compounds, antibiotics, drugs, therapeutic and nutraceutic agents, ions and similar molecules which are targeted to the living systems

·         A composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages said composition comprising cow urine having components benzoic acid, and hexanoic acid, with ammonia content of the composition ranging between 5-15mg/L, and optionally along with anti-oxidants; and a method of protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages using composition of claim 1, said method comprising steps of estimating the amount of folded DNA in a sample, mixing the said composition to the said DNA either before or after the exposure of the DNA to the oxidatively NA-damaging agent, and determining percentage folded DNA in the mixture showing protection and/or repair of DNA from oxidative damages.

Pharmacological activities of products

The ingredients used in our products have the following therapeutic qualities
·         Anti-tumour qualities, which help prevent development of tumours.
·         Help reduce inflammation and thus the pain.
·         Act as antioxidants, which protect your cells against the effects of free radicals that damage body cells.
·         Act as analgesics and help patient get relief from pain
·         Reduce body temperature if the patient has fever.
·         Anti-spasmodic qualities: Help suppress involuntary contraction of muscles and organs.
·         Help combat the growth of neoplasm/tumors.
·         Act as stress busters
·         Have anti-bacterial qualities, which help suppress the bacterial growth in the human body or the affected part.
·         Act as an immuno-stimulator, which helps boost the immune system.

All cancer patients visiting the center will be treated with Indian System of Medicine Ayurveda Cow Urine Therapy. After studying available reports of cancer patient, one month medicine along with medical consultation will be provided. In the second month, the benefits will be recorded through video shooting, and free medicine will be given after necessary check-up. Likewise, the process of providing free treatment will continue. We also educate and suggest various diets, vegetable and fruits with anti-cancer medicinal value, which are beneficial for cancer patients. We also share information on yoga for cancer patients.

With this Indian System of Medicine many patients are benefited. It helps in controlling the further growth of diseases and works on relieving it slowly. Cow urine therapy has proved effective in reducing the suffering of patients affected by various types of cancer, cysts, tumours and neoplasm. It acts as restoratives after severe illness, exhaustion and physical debility during cancer, hence increases life span.  It helps in fighting the anaemic conditions.  Patient can take cow urine therapy along with allopathy. Cow urine increases efficiency of allopathy and reduces side effects, it has earned USA patent for the same.

Cancer Care
Cow urine therapy has proved effective in reducing the suffering of patients affected by various types of cancer, cysts, tumours and neoplasm. The clinical studies have shown that our products help get relief from the following diseases:
·         Breast Cancer
·         Cervical/ Cervix Cancer
·         Ovarian Cancer
·         Blood Cancer CLL, ALL and CML
·         Leukemia
·         Lymphoma
·         Multiple Myloma
·         Bone Cancer
·         Oral Cancer
·         Mouth Cancer
·         Tounge Cancer
·         Thyroid Cancer
·         Throat Cancer
·         Larynx Cancer
·         Brain Cancer / Brain Tumor
·         Colorectal Cancer
·         Esophagus Cancer
·         Skin Cancer
·         Stomach Cancer
·         Prostate Cancer
·         Renal Cell Carcinoma/ Kidney Cancer
·         Sarcoma
·         Submucous fibrosis
·         Urinary Bladder Cancer
·         Prostate Cancer
·         Kidney Cancer
·         Hepatocellular Carcinoma
·         Liver Cancer
·         Soft Tissue Sarcoma
·         Blastoma
·         Anal Cancer
·         Capillary Heamenjioma
·         Gall Bladder Cancer
·         Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
·         Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

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