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Monday, 12 August 2013


Pregnancy and childbirth have great significance in the life of a woman. During this period, a woman needs great care and attention from her family members. Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara [nutrition], vihara [lifestyle] and vichara [thought process] which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy.
Eat food that is mild, easy to digest and maintain regular meal timings. It is better to avoid spicy foods, sexual intercourse, heavy exercises, fall or trauma, weight loss programmes, negative feelings, difficult postures like balancing on one leg or squatting and exposure to unhappy or violent events.

General advice

Here are some general guidelines for the wellbeing of the mother and foetus:
·         Do not tie a tight knot over the abdomen.
·         Do not use heavy blankets or place them over the abdomen.
·         Do not change your sleeping position from left side to right side or vice-versa without getting up.
·         Keep both thighs together while sitting.
·         Sleep sideways instead of sleeping on the back.

Month-wise regime [during pregnancy]

Calcium counts
A developing baby needs calcium to have strong bones, teeth, heart, nerves and muscles, and to develop a normal heart rhythm. It plays an important role in developing a good blood clotting mechanism. If a pregnant woman does not get enough calcium from diet, the growing baby takes it from her bones, which may impair the mother’s health.A pregnant woman’s need for calcium goes up in the third trimester, when the baby’s skeleton is rapidly developing. Although pregnant women may consume more dairy products like milk and yogurt, they often do not meet their calcium needs through food sources alone. Hence, it is advised that before, during, and after pregnancy, women should take calcium supplements [after consulting their gynaecologist]. In addition, they should have at least 2—3 servings calcium-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, raisins, soybeans, dates, guava and oranges every day.
Team CW

First month

A pregnant woman should take natural supplements like draksha, khajoor, manooka, and vidari with milk [cold/room temperature] in the morning.
For the first 12 days, have ghee [prepared from cow's milk] boiled with leaves of saliparni herb. It is important to have this preparation in a vessel made of precious metals like gold or silver. After that, have water that is boiled and cooled. Your breakfast should comprise sweet, cold and semi-solid foods.
Women tend to start taking a massage or reverse massage from this month. However, massages are to be avoided till the fifth month.

Second month

Have milk mixed with the above-mentioned natural supplements.

Third month

Have the same sweet natural supplements, but now mix them with milk, honey and ghee.

Fourth month

Continue taking the same sweet supplements with milk. This time replace ghee with butter [12 – 15g of makkhan] made from milk.

Fifth month

Continue the supplement regime of the fourth month. Oil application and gentle massage followed by a bath with lukewarm water is recommended. Continue this till delivery.

Sixth month

Continue the supplement regime of the fifth month.

Seventh month

Mothers-to-be may feel an itchy sensation on the breast and abdomen or a burning sensation in chest or throat due to increased size of foetus.
Eat food in smaller quantities, frequently, and a bite of sweet something with little ghee or oil that is easy to digest. Ensure that your salt intake during this period is reduced to a minimum. Also, avoid drinking water immediately after a meal.

Eighth month

Eat rice prepared with milk in semi-solid or liquid form with ghee.

Ninth month

Follow the same diet as in the eighth month.
Apply oil on the abdomen and genital areas. Take an oil enema in small quantities to help ease false labour pains. You can even insert cotton ball dipped in oil into the vagina to lubricate the passage. Be particular about maintaining hygiene to avoid infection, which cause itchiness or swelling of the genital area.
Have a healthy baby.

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