Addyzoa Capsule
Description: Improves the functional competence of sperm.Recommended
Panchkarma therapy - Basti, Uttarbasti
Indication: Male Functional Infertility - Oligospermia (Low sperm count), Asthenospermia and Teratospermia (Defective
sperm morphology).
Sperm count 5 millions/ml to 10 millions/ml: 2 capsules twice a day for 90 days
Sperm count > 10 millions/ml: 1 Capsule twice a day for 90 days.
Benefits: 1) Increases Sperm Count
2) Enhances Sperm motility
3) Improves Sperm Morphology (prevents DNA damage to sperms)
4) Increases sexual desire
5) Enhances the chances of pregnancy.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Consumption of milk, butter and rich protein food is advised.
2) Consumption of meat or egg in moderate quantity.
3) Have coitus during womens fertile period ( in the middle of the menstrual cycle)
1) Avoid spicy food items
2) Reduce alcohol consumption
3) Avoid smoking and tranquillizers
4) Reduce physical and mental stress
5) Avoid spending late nights
6) Avoid irregular dietary habits
Prosteez Tablet
Description: Eases flow comprehensively Recommended Panchkarma
Therapy -Uttar basti
Indication: 1) BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) Grade I BPH in particular 2) Category III B Prostatitis
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day for 3 to 6 months.
Benefits: 1) Relives both obstructive & irritative symptoms
2) Therapeutic efficacy commences within 4-6 weeks
3) Reduce prostrate size
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Drink plenty of water to flush the bladder
2) Eat balanced diet to prevent constipation
1) Avoid straining
2) Dont control your natural urges
Vigomax Forte Tablet
Description: Maximize desire ; Maximize performance Recommended
Panchkarma Therapy- Basti, Uttarbasti, Abhyanga, Swedana
Indication: 1) Decreased libido and sexual insufficiency 2) Psychogenic impotence with appropriate counseling 3)
Exhaustion states 4) Drug induced decline in libido
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day preferably with milk
Benefits: 1) Increases libido
2) Restores strength & stamina
3) Non- hormonal & safe
4) Co- treatment with sildenafil citrate
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Consumption of milk and butter is advised
2) Meat or eggs can be consumed in good quantity
3) Food ingredients having sweet and astringent taste are normally recommended
1) Avoid saline, sour and pungent food recipes
2) Avoid spending sleepless nights
3) Avoid mental and physical stress and strain
4) Avoid smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol
Evanova Capsule
Description: Safe alternative in the management of menopausal
symptomsRecommended panchkarma therapy – Basti,
Matrabasti, Pizichil, Nasya, Shirodhara.
Indication: Management of Perimenopausal (Menopausal transition)to Postmenopausal signs and symptoms
1) In Perimenopause (Menopausal transition): 1 capsule twice a day for 6 months.
2) In surgical menopause: 2 capsules twice a day for 3 months, followed by 1 capsule twice a day for next 3 3) EVANOVA can be continued as long as required because it has been specially formulated for long-term usage.
The vasomotor symptoms will usually respond within a few weeks of commencement of therapy; but the therapy continued till other symptoms disappear.
Benefits: 1) No fear of cancer on long-term use unlike Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT)
2) Relieves the annoying perimenopausal symptoms – hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia.
3) Safe for long-term use.
4) Can delay onset of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
5) Reduces LDL cholestrol and increases HDL cholestrol on long-term use.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Wear cotton sleep wear to reduce discomfort from night sweats.
2) Cultivate a routine of physical exercise such as walking.
3) Supplement the daily meals with calcium rich products.
4) Develop a hobby to keep occupied.
1) Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol and excessive coffee and tea.
2) Avoid walking on slippery floors to prevent fall-related fractures.
3) Avoid wearing loose or high-heeled footwear to avoid slipping/tripping.
4) Avoid taking any medications along with Evanova without doctors advice.
Femiforte Tablet
Description: Safe and effective approach for leucorrhoea.Recommended
Panchkarma Therapy - Uttarbasti, Oleation with picchu (local),
Indication: 1) Excessive vaginal discharge due to fungal / bacterial / protozoal infection 2) Abnormal / excessive vaginal
discharge associated with pregnancy 3) Recurrent vaginitis
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day for 4-6 weeks.
Benefits: 1) Simulates astringent action in vaginal mucosa and reduce excessive vaginal discharge in the vaginal tract.
2) Overcomes malodor
3) Reduces pelvic congestion and relieves Pruritusvulvae.
4) Restores vaginal pH
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) A brisk walk in the morning is advised.
2) Sanitary and hygienic measures should be followed.
3) Intake of supari (Areca nut) after taking food is very useful.
4) Wear comfortable fitting panties and also preferably cotton ones to ensure air circulation.
5) Clean affected area two times in a day with water.
1) Avoid fried and spicy food recipes.
2) Avoid fasting.
3) Avoid sour things specially pickles and curds.
4) Avoid sex during the attack of the disease.
5) Reduce anxiety and stress.
Femiplex Tablet
Description: Oral treatment for recurrent vaginitisRecommended
Panchkarma Therapy - Uttarbasti, Oleation with picchu (local),
Indication: 1) Excessive vaginal discharge due to fungal / bacterial / protozoal infection 2) Abnormal / excessive vaginal
discharge associated with pregnancy 3) Recurrent vaginitis
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day till discharge stops, followed by 1 tablet bid for three months to check recurrence.
Benefits: 1) Ashoka chhal, Lodhra, Kankola and Phitkari Shuddha are astringents that reduce excessive vaginal discharge.
2) Triphala and japa chhal relieve pruritus.
3) Chandanam, Daruharidra, Ashoka chhal and Trivang bhasma treat the vaginal discharge of infective origin.
4) Gandharars, Gokshru and triphala act as pelvic decongestants thereby decreasing the amount of vaginal 5) Loh bhasma and Guduchi provide nutritional support.
6) Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Chandanam allay anxiety and normalize mood swing.
7) Thus, FEMIPLEX offers a complete treatment for leucorrhoea of mixed etiology by virtue of its ingredients.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Maintain good hygiene of vaginal area.
2) If you find any discharge or itching, take medical advice immediately
3) Wear undergarments which fit well and which absorb moisture eg.cotton
4) Do eat balanced meals and healthy food, and get the right amount of sleep. Eat a nutritious meal rich in fresh and fruits. Avoid high fat meals.
5) Do take your medicine regularly. Your medicine wont work if you only take it once in a while.
6) Consumption of cows milk, cows ghee is useful.
1) Excessive vaginal douching with strong chemicals can cause harm.
2) Wearing of nylon undergarments can lead to inflammation and itching. Avoid them
Galakol Tablet
Description: The natural galactogogue Recommended Panchkarma
Therapy - --
Indication: Inadequate lactation due to subnormal physiological status or post-partum stress.
2 tablets thrice a day for 6 weeks, followed by 2 tablets twice a day throughout lactation.
Benefits: 1) Increases the quality and quantity of breast milk without any adverse effects.
2) Safe for a longer period of time.
3) Provides nutrition for the lactating mother.
4) No known drug interaction.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Ensure proper and timely breast feeding of the child.
2) Have proper nutritious food especially rich in calcium to ensure proper health.
1) Avoid non-vegetarian foods.
2) Avoid smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol during lactating period
Lunarex Forte Capsul
Description: Natural formulation, which initiates and regulates
menstruationRecommended Panchkarma Therapy -Basti,
Indication: 1) Oligomenorrhoea or hypomenorrhoea 2) Secondary amenorrhoea 3) Primary amenorrhoea without the
evidence of any congenital or anatomical abnormality
Dosage: Oligomenorrhoea:
Capsule twice daily to be started a week before expected date of mensturation. The medication should be discontinued menstruation and repeated in each cycle till regular rhythm is restored.
Capsule twice daily till menstruation sets in.
Rule out pregnancy before prescribing.
Benefits: 1) It regulates and restores normal menstrual flow.
2) Improves blood supply to pelvic organs
3) Improves ovarian function
4) Free from nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, headache unlike hormones.
5) Safe for long-term use.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Prefer wheat, milk and fruits.
2) Weight reduction.
3) Morning walk is recommended.
1) Avoid hot and spicy food recipes and alcohol.
2) Avoid day time sleeping and smoking.
3) Avoid too much mental and physical exertion.
4) Avoid
Manoll Syrup
Description: Get Well Soon Recommended Panchkarma therapy -
Seasonal Panchakarma Therapy, Pizichil
Indication: 1) Chronic and recurrent infections 2) Malaise and fatigue 3) Convalescence 4) Co-prescription with
anti-infective, anti-malarial and anti-TB drugs and steroids
1 tablespoon twice a day.
Benefits: 1) Rejuvenates & strengthens body tissue.
2) Well tolerated and less chance of constipation and gastric irritation.
3) Ensures healthy Pregnancy and lactation
4) Reduces oxidative stress and increases immunity.
5) Lowers risk of Chronic diseases.
6) Ensures faster recovery from illness.
7) Reinforces resistance against recurrent infections in children.
8) A ‘tonic effect for all ages of people.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Consume protein rich diet.
2) Prefer easily digestible food items, fruits & leafy vegetables
3) Yoga and Medication is recommended for faster recovery.
4) Drink fresh cows milk, lime water.
1) Consumption of alcohol, tobacco and smoking should be avoided.
2) Avoid fried vegetables and fried meals.
3) Avoid excessive salt intake.
4) Avoid High content Iron preparation unless prescribed by doctors while
Livomyn Tablet
Description: The only hepatoprotector with the L factorRecommended
Panchkarma therapy - Virechan,Niruha Basti, Sneha
(Anuvasana) Basti
Indication: 1) Viral hepatitis. 2) Drug induced hepatitis along with AKT/ART/Statins 3) Alcohol induced
hepatitis 4)Cholestatic jaundice.
Dosage: Adults: 1 to 2 tablets
Children: 1 tablet
Benefits: 1) Reduces SGPT, SGOT and bilirubin levels.
2) Increases bile flow.
3) Improves kupffer cell function and builds immunity.
4) Reverses hepatic cell damage.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Simple and easily digestible food items – leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh juices.
2) Prefer luke warm water
3) Small but frequent quantity of food is advised for patients suffering from liver disorders or diseases to maintain functions.
4) Bed rest especially in jaundice.
1) Consumption of alcohol and hepato-toxic drugs like steroids NSAIDs and
2) Excessive intake of tea and coffee should be avoided.
Kofol Syrup
Description: Nature’s touch to relieve cough of varied
etiologyRecommended Panchkarma therapy -Vaman,
Indication: 1) Cough of allergic (pollutants / pollens / dust / occupational etc) or infective origin 2) Cough associated with
gastro-esophageal reflux 3) Cough associated with bronchial asthma
Dosage: Adults: 10ml thrice a day
Infants and children: Proportionately reduced according to age
Benefits: 1) Beneficial in productive and dry cough
2) Reduces mucosal irritation(sore throat)
3) Provides relief from cough of varied etiology
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Gargling with salt water is recommended.
2) Herbal inhalation of warm water with camphor and mint is advised.
3) Speak less and if required in soft and low pitch is advised.
4) Oil massage followed by hot fomentation over chest and back especially in case of chest congestion.
5) Perform Deep inhalation and exhalation atleast two times a day.
1) Avoid exposure to cold wind and rain.
2) Avoid cold water, refrigerated food products and ice-cream.
3) Avoid smoking and exposure to chemicals industrials fumes pollen and dust.
4) Avoid tobacco chewing, oily and spicy food.
Haleezy Tablet
Description: The natural bronchodilator, anti-histaminic and
anti-inflammatoryRecommended Panchkarma Therapy:
Vaman, Virechana, Nasya
Indication: 1) Bronchial asthma 2) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 3) Chronic Bronchitis
Dosage: Mild asthma: 1 tablet twice a day for a period of 12 weeks.
Chronic asthma & COPD: As an add-on therapy: 2 tablets twice a day for a period of 12 weeks.
Benefits: 1) Haleezy is safe, no risk of tremors
2) Decreases frequency, severity & duration of asthma attacks
3) Helps expectorate mucus
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Learn and practise Matsya Asana
2) Follow an ‘early-to-bed, early-to-rise routine
3) Add a little dried ginger powder to your milk, and fresh ginger to your meals
4) Consumption of wheat, barley and garlic is recommended.
5) Consumption of honey is recommended.
1) Avoid smoking
2) Avoid strenuous exercise
3) Avoid sleeping during day time
4) Avoid exposure to rain, humidity, dust and pollens
5) Avoid consuming bananas, citrus fruits, ice-cream, cold drinks and fried foods
Gum Tone Gel
Description: The only herbal gel for gingivitis Recommended
Panchkarma Therapy - Kaval Dharan, Gandush.
Indication: 1) Bleeding, Spongy and Painful Gums (Gingivitis) 2) Prevention of plaque formation and dental caries 3)
Halitosis (Bad breath) 4) Post scaling to reduce dental pockets
Dosage: Massage 2-3 gms of GUM TONE gel with soft brush or finger on gums and teeth and to be kept for 2-3 minutes and after dinner.
Benefits: 1) Removes the stains on the teeth.
2) It stops bleeding of gums and controls inflammation of gums.
3) It prevents formation of dental plaque on regular use.
4) It provides fresh breath and prevents Halitosis.
5) Free from tobacco and sugar.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Brush the teeth both in the morning and at bedtime.
2) Brush the teeth after each meal or consumption of sweets.
3) Maintain clean oral hygiene.
1) Reduce the consumption of chocolates and sweets.
2) Consult doctor if there is bleeding of the gums after brushing of the teeth.
3) Avoid smoking and chewing of tobacco.
Garlill Tablet
Description: Antiflatulent, antispasmodic and mild
laxative. Recommended Panchkarma Therapy - Virechan
Indication: 1) Flatulence 2) Feeling of fullness
Dosage: Adult:One tablet twice a day after meals for a minimum of six weeks.
Children:Half the adult dosage
Benefits: 1) Provides fast relief of belching and bloating non-ulcer pain and distension of intestine.
2) Free from sodium and hence safe for cardiac patients.
3) No chalky taste unlike antacids / antiflatulents.
4) Safe for long-term use.
5) No known drug interaction.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Balance diet is advised.
2) Consumption of warm water with one to two teaspoonfuls of ginger juice is recommended.
3) Drinks like fresh buttermilk, jaljira are very effective.
4) Fresh fruits and fresh juices are advised.
5) Consumption of vegetarian diet is advised.
6) Fasting is recommended in acute cases.
1) Avoid oily, spicy and fried recipes.
2) Avoid irregularity in dietary habits.
3) Avoid consumption of fast foods, confectioneries and bakery products.
4) Avoid smoking and tobacco chewing.
5) Avoid excessive consumption of tea and coffee.
6) Avoid alcohol consumption.
Extrammune Tablet
Description: The personal bodyguard for extra immunityRecommended
Panchkarma Therapy -Vaman, Virechan, Nasya
Indication: Prophylactic: 1) Immunity Builder 2) Long-term oral steroid therapy. 3) Seasonal outbreaks of infective diseases
e.g. Influenza, Typhoid or Malaria. Therapeutic: 1) As an adjuvant with Antimicrobial therapy, particularly
respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections. 2) As a monotherapy in PUO (Pyrexia of unknown
Dosage: Prophylactic dose: 2 tablets once daily for 2 to 3 months
Therapeutic dose: 2 tablets twice daily till the symptoms subside or as directed by the physician.
It is advisable to allow an interval of at least 30 minutes between the administration of Extrammune and other medications.
Duration: Till the symptoms subside or as per the physician's judgment.
Benefits: 1) Strengthens the immune system & builds resistance to infection.
2) Ensures therapeutic effectiveness of antibiotic therapy when co-prescribed.
3) Promotes faster recovery from infections.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Eat more of fresh fruits & vegetables.
2) Exercise / play in fresh air.
3) Always drink boiled / purified water.
1 Do not eat stale and junk food.
Cognium Tablet
Description: Corrects cognitive insufficiencyRecommended Panchkarma
Therapy - Nasya, Shirodhara
Indication: 1) Loss of memory. 2) Concentration impairment. 3) Mental fatigue due to stress. 4) Language and learning
disability. 5) Attention-deficiency hyperactivity disorder.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day for 3-4 months
Benefits: 1) Preserve and enhance cognitive functions.
2) Slows down the process of degeneration of neurons through antioxidants.
3) Increase circulation to the CNS.
4) Provide protection to nervous system by acting as adaptogenic against stress.
Dos And Donts: Dos
1) Eat balanced meal and healthy food.
2) Do meditation and yoga regularly.
3) Take proper sleep.
1) Avoid fried and spicy food.
2) Avoid sleepless night and stress.
1 Aptizooom Syrup
2 Description: The Natural appetite zoomer Recommended Panchkarma
) Therapy - --4) Indication: 1) Anorexia due to indigestion or any other disease or drugs. 2) Slow growth in children due to poor appetite
5 Dosage: Children (below 10 years) – 5ml twice/ thrice a day for 4 weeks
6 Adults – 15ml twice a day for 4 weeks
7 To be taken half an hour before meals.
8 Benefits: 1) Improves appetite & assimilation of food.
9 2) Arouses the sense of taste & smell.
1 3) Ensures overall development.
1 4) Helps expel worms.
1 Dos And Donts: Dos
1 1) Consumption of orange juice, ripe bananas & dried grapes is recommended.
1 2) Vegetarian food is recommended.
1 3) Yoga, morning & evening walk is recommended.
1 4) Consumption of milk & buttermilk is recommended.
1 Donts
1 1) Avoid fried, oily & spicy food.
1 2) Avoid smoking, tobacco chewing & consumption of alcohol.
2 3) Reduce mental & physical exercise & stress.
2 4) Avoid irregular food habits.
2 Alka 5 Syrup
2 Description: Much more than an alkalizer Recommended Panchkarma
2 Therapy: --
2 Indication: 1) Dysuria 2) Urinary tract infections 3) Urethritis , Cystitis 4) Sunstroke
) Adult: 10 – 15 ml thrice a day for 1-2 weeks
) Children: 5 ml thrice a day for 1-2 weeks
) Benefits: 1) Soothes burning micturation.
) 2) Reduce inflammation & pain.
3 3) Exhibits antibacterial activity.
3 4) Induces diuresis and reduce urgency and frequency.
3 5) Safe and potentiates the action of antibacterial.
3 Dos And Donts: Dos
3 1) Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
3 2) Consume white variety of pumpkin and gourd.
3 3) Mung, wheat, barley and ginger juice is recommended.
3 4) Stay indoors in summer/ hot days.
3 Donts
4 1) Avoid fried and spicy food.
4 2) Reduce the consumption of beans, pulses, ladys finger and tomatoes.
3) Avoid suppression of natural urge of urination.
4 4) Avoid sedentary life style.
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