In my clinical practice , I am regularly coming across more
and more woman unhappy with their breasts for cosmetic reasons. Some complain
of tonal loss or sagging, some require enhancement and some reduction.
Many woman undergone expensive treatments , some surgical to get back the
breast shape. The internet and media is also flooded with claims. Hence I
thought of putting up a small article which may help clear misconception and
try and convince many to follow an holistic approach.
In the present article I would shed points on Reasons and
Remedies for breast enhancement. Though the information presented here is based
on my clinical experience, readers discretion is requested.
- Improper selection of brasserie in terms of
- Not wearing brassiere right on onset of puberty
- Wearing tight bra during bedtime. (this can slow down
- Physical exercises (workouts, running, cycling etc)
without brasserie
- Prolonged illness
- Pregnancy
- Breast feeding
- Hormonal imbalance leading to irregular menstrual cycle
and other concerned illness
- Weight gain
- Sudden weight gain and loss due to crash dieting etc.
- Sexual intercourse at an early age. [arguable]
Breast does not contain any muscle and is largely consisted
of a fat tissue known as Adipose tissue intermingled with lactiferous [milk
carrying / producing] ducts. Hence merely doing muscle exercises or intake of
muscle protein is not going to help in altering the breast tissue. However it
may fairly effect the muscle on which the breast lies [Pectoralis group]. The
size of breasts is decided by the hormonal apparatus which is unique in each
individual and also influenced by genetic. The permutations and combinations of
Estrogen, Prolactin and Progesterone with respect to lifestyle and other
factors is very consequential in the physical and mental make-up of a woman.
Regarding breast size Estrogen influences the lot with high amounts leading to
large breasts and vice versa. It is important to understand that beyond
cosmetic approach having firm nice shaped breast requires a good hormonal
balance which needs to be complemented with good lifestyle and diet.
I would mostly emphasize on natural methods of Ayurveda and yoga for the
purpose , I have also enlisted some other prevalent methods for the purpose for
your information. So lets begin
The following enlisted Asanas (yogic postures) really help
in toning the breast apparatus. However one should understand that not one but
a combination of theses postures would help in achieving the desired results.
There are no specific Asanas to increase or decrease the size. The Asanas would
merely help in achieving firm and healthy breast. Also the Asanas help a long
way in regulating hormones and may prevent modern evils of breast cancers. I
would not go to the lengths of explaining each and every asanas. You can
“google” the names and would get some great illustrations and videos about how
to practice them. I would recommend to take the guidance of an expert yoga
teacher incase you wish to pursue the techniques. Yogic postures need to be
complemented with certain rules of diet, lifestyle and also cleansing methods.
Apparently not all yogic postures are safe and one needs to be evaluated to be
fit enough to accept a particular asana as per his constitution and health
condition. Though while practicing the asanas the main emphasis would be on
breast development, these asanas also help in variety of ailments hence
research properly and pick the best 1 -2 asanas which would help in your
overall health condition
: helps
strengthen the pectoral groups, helpful for women seeking enlargement. Must be
complimented with massage, herbs intake.
: the
imminent stretch helps in reduction of excessive fat tissue around the breast,
this helps in breast reduction. for enlargement use the asana in the end stage
for toning]
Paschimuttanasana: A
difficult asana. It puts pressure on the spinal chakras and helps proper flow
of hormones. In general should be practiced for an overall hormonal stability.
However ones suffering from constipation and ulcers seek expert guidance.
Tadasana: Exerts
pressure on the thyroid and is a great posture for overall hormonal stability.
(Toad posture): Improves muscle stability helps burn fat tissue. done
in conjunction with Bhujangasana,
& Naukasana: Both asanas combined with Bhujangasana and
Shalabhasana makes a power combination for great breast shape especially women
looking for reduction and firmness
There are other Asanas which are helpful but must be done
under expert guidance as they are tough
- Simhasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Chakrasana
- Sethu Bandhasana
- Halasana
Combining above asanas with proper exponent of Surya
Namaskara (12 step exercise) helps immensely. It is very important to follow
time rules with regards to yoga. Most postures are meant to be practiced at
sunrise after relieving natural urges.
Though Ayurveda does not directly pinpoint at cosmetic
manipulation towards breasts there are many formulations which can be used
effectively to help in the process. I would share some of my experiences in
terms of home remedies one can safely use.
Boil sesame seeds 20gms, Fenugreek seeds 20 gm, Aloe vera
pulp 20 gm, rose petals 20 gm in 500ml of water and reduce to the mixture to
50ml. Strain the mixture. Add the decoction to 50ml of virgin coconut oil and
boil till oil remains. Filter and store in a glass bottle. Warm require
quantity of oil [Always put the oil bottle in warm water. Do not heat oil
directly over flame]. Massage in a clockwise directions. Use downwards strokes
when massaging beneath the breasts. Regular use helps burn excess fat tissue
and also makes the breasts firm. [Avoid massaging on nipples]
Prepare a paste by mixing the following herbs in water or
aloe vera juice. Mayphal [Quercus infectorius] 10gms , Maida Lakdi [Litsea
chinensis] 10gm , Jaiphal [Myristica fragrans] 5gm. Make the paste warm and
apply over the breast . Regular use imparts firmness to the breast. [Avoid
massaging the nipples]
Boil bark of Gambhari [Gmelina arborea] 100gm, in virgin
coconut oil (250ml) till black residue of the bark remains. Filter and store
the oil in a clean glass oil. Warm the required quantity of medicated oil and
massage as explained before. This formulation helps in breast enhancement.
Breast enlargement
Boil 4gms Ashwagandha [Withania somnifera], 3gms Arjun bark
[Terminalia arjuna] in 1 part milk [100ml] and 4 parts water till milk remains.
Strain the mixture through a clean cloth and consume empty stomach early
morning. The procedure must be preferable carried out in an iron vessel
Breast reduction and Firmness
Gorakhmundi [Sphaeranthus indicus, 40gm], Daruhaladi
[Berberis aristata 40 gm], Nagarmotha [Cyperus esculentus 30 gm]. Boil the
herbs in 1litre of water and reduce to 600ml. Filter and store in the fridge.
Intake 200ml of the decoction every morning [or in two divided doses 100(Morn.)
100 (Eve.)] empty stomach. Prepare fresh after 3 days. Continue for 2 menstrual
cycles. Then take a gap of 15 days and repeat.
Use of Cow’s ghee [clarified butter
from cow] in form of nasal drops helps immensely in breast development. Certain
traditional preparations like Anu
Taila, Panchanendriya vardhan Taila can also be used. The procedure must be done at sunrise.
Steam inhalation must be undertaken for 4 -5 minutes. After that the head must
be inclined at 75 degree and warm cow’s ghee or the concerned preparation must
be instilled . One should first start from 2 drops and gradually increase to 6
drops. The process would benefit more if one can ascertain which nostril [Nadi]
is active. For information at any given time most of us breathe [inhale and
exhale] through the right or left nostrils. Only at certain times or through
yogic Pranayama can one activate both nostrils at the same time. Hence the
drops must be first instilled in the active nostril followed by the passive
one. The active nostril can be easily found out by closing one nostril at a
time. The one that allows free flow is active while the one that meets with
resistance is passive.
- Restrict salt intake to minimum
- Eat papaya during menstrual cycles to ensure good flow.
- If possible go on a salt restricted diet for first 3
days of menses being only on papaya and cow’s milk.
- Stay away from Bakery products, green chillies,
pickles, curds [Buttermilk okay].
- Avoid non-veg diet or restrict to minimum
- Alcohol restriction
Also avoid excessive gestures like fondling and caressing
during sexual intimacy while application of the above medications. Though the
effects are not profound it is advisable to refrain for good results.
There are other Anaerobic exercises suggested to help breast
development. Though I personally do not recommend them, I have just briefed
here for knowledge.
- Pectoral push up
- Inverted push up
- Pectoral press
- Butterfly press
This exercise require weight training. Also certain trainers
recommend protein supplements, Vitamins and natural supplements like Primrose
oil etc,
I sincerely hope this small article helps many of you who
are looking for solutions but are inapt to pick up one mode or line of
treatment. I would also suggest to all of you to research properly before
investing your time and money for breast enhancement packages. Going the
natural way would not only help you achieve your purpose but would have the
added benefit of providing you a healthy lifestyle and regulating other health
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