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Tuesday, 6 August 2013


proper diet and exercise are the basic necessities for a beautiful body. All Ayurveda texts stress the importance of applying good quantity of oil on head as well as all over the body, Twice a week. Mix equal quantities of coconut and squeeze milk.Apply this solution over your lips and face. It adds grace and glow to your skin.
Cleansing the skin :
Take 100 ml. of un boiled milk and mix a pinch of salt and two teaspoonful of lime juice in it. Dip a piece of cotton wool in the solution and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans dirt and goes down to pores 
After your makeup cleansing is much-required for your skin to look younger and healthy.
Skin Moisturizer : 
Mix equal quantities of lime juice, glycerin and rose water.Wash the face and apply it overnight. Rinse off in the morning. This lotion if applied to the face regularly is very useful in removing pimples, blackheads and other stains of the skin. It makes the skin soft, and can also be applied to other parts of the body (hands, feet etc.) 
Take 100 ml. of tomato juice and mix with two teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this lotion to the face. It helps to make the skin soft and glowing. 
Apply orange juice to the face and body for smooth and soft skin. 
For dry skin a mixture of cooked oatmeal and honey. Wash the face and apply it.It act as a very good moisturizer and cleanser. 
Clear,clean skin is important to help to reduce the possibility of facial blemishes and acne.
some tips to clear skin.
·         Wash your face at least twice a day, using a cold water.
·         not use cosmetics as much as possible.
·         Keep your oily hair and hands off your protect from acne breakouts.
Ayurvedic tips for strong hair 
·         Massage the scalp gently with coconut oil medicated with Bringaraja, Neela, Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Brahmi Neem.
·         daily for 15 to 20 minutes.Massage should be done with fingertips only.
·         Boil neem leaves in water. Cool, strain and rinse hair with it.
·         Avoid a massage before shampooing.
·         Increase milk, fruits, sprouts green leafy vegetables and salads in the diet. Take more proteins, milk, egg ,buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ,Soya beans, whole grains and nuts.
Advantages of scalp massage
·         Increases the blood circulation of scalp.
·         Relaxes mind and reduces stress .
·         Prevents from dandruff.
·         Strong the hair roots, protects the hair.
·         Increases hair growth.
·         Prevents hair from effects of extreme weather conditions.
·         Prevents splitting of hair.
·         Gives a natural shine to hair
Ayurvedic tips to avoid wrinkles.
·         Apply moisturizer regularly and egg yolk once in a week for 10 minutes.
·         Apply heavier moisturizer if you are working in Air conditioners and room heaters.
·         Do not stretch the delicate skin under eye .
·         Carry an umbrella, wear sun glasses and apply sun screen lotions before going out in hot sun.
·         Avoid drinking and smoking.
·         Do YOGA and MEDITATION regularly.

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