consists of remembering what has been learnt recently or in the past. Many
people have problems in memory which may be a temporary phase (eg. After a head
injury or a fit) or a permanent and progressive disorder. Ayurveda and herbal
medicine has proven very good result for improving the memory power. If you are
not satisfied with your memory, you can follow the ayurveda remedies and herbs
for betterment.
loss of memory is due to:
1. Head injury
2. A bout of excessive alcohol
3. Acute anxiety or stress disorder
loss of memory:
1. Degenerative disease eg. Alzheimer’s
2. Tumours of the brain
3. Deficiency of vitamin B1 and B12
4. Syphilis, AIDS
5. Chronic alcoholism
1. Amla is the best for poor memory. Its
powder, Murrraba, vegetable can be consumed.
2. 5-10 almonds should be taken daily.
Soak almonds overnight. Mix in 1 glass milk. Drink while still warm for 15 to
40 days.
3. The fruits rich in phosphorus are
considered as the best home remedy for memory weakness. Apple, grapes, figs,
dates and oranges are considered to be more effective home remedy for weak
1. Brahmi vati 1 tablet twice daily with
milk after meals
2. Tablet Mentat 1 tablet three times a
3. Brahmighrita One teaspoonful twice
daily with milk
4. Tablet Brento 1 tablet twice daily
5. Sarsatwaristha 3 teaspoonful with equal
amount of water twice daily
and Don’ts
1. You should free from worries, anxiety,
depression, emotional stress.
2. Meditation proves useful in correcting
and promoting your memory power.
3. Yoga, pranayam, Reiki if possible try
to continue for concentration and memory power.
4. Main cause of poor memory is lack of sleep
so make a sound sleeping habit in time.
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